Successful customer event: EPS - Part of a sustainable future

Sustainability - no other term seems to play such a big role for companies now and in the future, including the EPS industry. How can responsible companies ensure that they follow a sustainable path with EPS? To inform and discuss on this question, the first virtual customer event of BASF's Styrenic Foams Team took place on June 8th 2021. Experts informed the participants about topics such as the EU Green Deal and its impact on the EPS market, the circular economy at BASF in relation to Styropor® and Neopor®, as well as the zero pellet loss initiative "Operation Clean Sweep". Klaus Ries (Vice President Business Management Styrenics Europe) began by welcoming all participants with a historical review of the beginnings of the material of the century, Styropor®, which celebrates its 70th birthday this year. What relevance the discussed topics had for the customers was shown by the variety of questions that were answered by the experts after each presentation. Due to the success of the first event, a continuation in the form of a customer event series is planned, with many more topics around EPS.