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Read the latest news about innovative developments and applications with our original grey Neopor®, and news on the classic Styropor®.


Styropor® in the art scene

Styropor® has been part of countless everyday applications for 70 years in the construction and packaging sector. Artists also like the material and appreciate its properties. As the first part of a series of interviews in the anniversary year, Michael Salter presents his "Styrobots".
Michael Salters exhibition "too much" in the Rice University Art Gallery, Houston

"I look at things we buy and throw away every day and try to put them in a whole new context," is how American artist Michael Salter describes the idea behind his oversized robots made from used Styropor® packaging. He calls his impressive works of art "Styrobots", which are exhibited worldwide in the USA, China and also Germany. As part of the anniversary of our material of the century, Styropor®, we will be presenting international artists who use Styropor® as a material during the course of the year. In our first interview, you can find out how a seven-metre-high robot is made of Styropor®, what role Star Wars played in the brainstorming process and how Michael Salter managed to cooperate with cities to obtain used packaging material. 

Click here for the interview