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Our contribution on the recyclability of EPS.

With Neopor® F 5 Mcycled™, BASF is expanding its EPS portfolio with an improved sustainability profile. The new raw material contains sustainably certified recycled material from mechanically recycled EPS waste. Neopor® F 5 Mcycled™ contains 10 percent recycled material and is suitable for numerous applications in buildings, particularly facade insulation.

Our Sustainable Solutions

Biomass Balance


Circular Economy at BASF

All product properties important to you are retained

Neopor® F 5 Mcycled™ offers similar mechanical properties and optimised

insulation performance as Neopor® F 5200 Plus.


► Saving fossil resources

► Mechanically recycled EPS

► direct contribution in the circularity of EPS

BASF closes EPS recycling loop and launches Neopor® Mcycled™ containing recycled material

EPS and the Circular Economy

Keeping the raw materials used in the cycle and reducing the use of fossil raw materials belong to BASF's overarching goals towards a circular economy.

You can see the role EPS plays in this in the video here.